Can we say holy hiatus Batman?!? I didn't expect it to be this long in between posts! My goodness! Nevets has finished another year of school and met so many milestones. Every day it's a new thing with that Super Boy! I could try and go over the last year or so, but I think that would require HOURS and HOURS, possibly DAYS. So I think we shall recap. :)
Super Boy started off the school year attending a "regular" preschool class. It was quickly discovered that he would need more help then they were capable of giving. He was moved over to a "Functioning Skills" preschool class. Basically, he would have more one on one attention. He was doing okay in the other class, but he still struggled with things like walking and whatnot. To be honest, I was super happy about him switching classes. The special ed teacher in the "regular" class was a beast. She just seemed super ornery and I felt like she was holding my son back. I honestly have considered sharing my opnion with the school district. Our little ones don't need someone to pigeon hole them and keep them from achieving awesomeness. But I digress. I will go off on her later :)
December he started in his other class. Instantly there was a different air to this class. The teacher, Mrs H, was so positive! Also, there was Miss Lindsey from his class last year. When he saw her, he lit up and went walking over to give her a hug. I was happy to see that he remembered her. She's an amazing young lady. I love her. In this new class, there were fewer students. It was obvious right away that there were some special angels in this room. Bugga instantly went in and you could tell he was right at home. After one week in this class, he was starting to show me new things. Every day, when Josh would pick him up, he would be such a Chatty Calvin :) I started noticing new signs he was learning and new words. He started walking more also. He was having better interactions with his peers. Around Valentines Day, he started teaching me more signs. I am having to learn more and faster just to keep up with him. Again, I can't stress how wonderful his teachers are. They are definitely called to do a higher form of teaching with this little ones. The day Bugga came home and counted to 10 in sign language while saying the words, I cried. When he sang the whole ABC song in sign while he actually said the letters, I sobbed. My little boy was learning all these new things. It was like someone turned on a switch and he just started picking so many things up. He could say his name. He copied almost every word I said. He started to do more pretend play with Josh and I . It was amazing to see him communicate using words and signs. I felt so much pride in my heart. I know the flippers of that switch are his wonderful teachers. I thank my Heavenly Father daily for those wonderful people. We are very excited to have them back again next year. Mrs H says that after one more year in this class she doesn't see any reason for him to not return to his "regular" class. I immediately said no. I want him in a regular class, but not that one. I expressed my unhappiness with that teacher. She was glad I said something. Turns out, she did her student teaching with her and TOTALLY understands where I'm coming from. :)
So, to recap. Beginning of the year Nevets struggled with words, signs, walking and alot of interactions. By the end of the year, he could count to 10 (struggles getting to 15 but that's okay lol), say his ABCs, use letters to spell his name, have an actual conversation with his Mommy and others, interact with his peers and remember their names, walk to and from the car and other places without his walker, and that's just to name a few.
Good school year? Oh Heck yes!