Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Captain S started preschool after his 3rd birthday in November. It is a "normal" preschool class for children just turning 3. I was super nervous when he started. He loves it! He instantly bonded with one of the teachin assistants. Of course, it's the cute one :) I thought that we knew what was going on, but I hate to say we were anything but. It started out...okay. Then S got sick. It took a while for him to heal. So,when we went back after Turkey Day, we were greeted by his "teacher" stating that we shouldn't be here. Apparently, they had switched him to the new Tues/Thur class. No one had bothered to call us. There was a note with someone's name scribbled out and ours added. It's like the just added it before we got there. I asked if there was another option. My work scheduled had been set. I was informed that they couldn't take into consideration the parents needs. They had to do what was best for the teachers. I then asked for the like 5th time if anyone knew when the therapist would be there or if they knew the time of the therapist. NOTHING. Apparently, it was not her job to know that information. When I asked more about Stevey's schedule, she advised me it was final. She implied very heavily that I need to drop everything and adjust my schedule to theirs so Steven could attend. I apologize that I have to work to support my family. I don't like it being implied that I don't do enough for my son. My whole life is my son and has been since the day we found out I was pregnant. I do not appreciate being made to feel like I'm a bad mother or that my husband and I are not fit parents. Steven is a very special child and we try to do our best to make sure he is able to accomplish anything he wants to. That same day we were a few minutes picking up Steven from preschool. I had therapy and there was actually some traffic coming to school. This is the first time we have been late. Generally we are early. The teacher proceeded to lecture my husband on the importance of her time. They have to get ready for the next class and don't have the time to sit with our child waiting for us to come the class. While, I understand that promptness is important, lecturing a parent is not important nor acceptable in this particular situation. There have been mornings where we had to wait for them to open the class or let the children out at 11:30. Those mornings have resulted in my receiving a verbal warning for tardiness at my work. Have I lectured them about the importance of my time? No. I accept that there are moments when things arise and take it with a grain of salt. Needless to say it's been rough. So I sent an email to the school district regarding my concerns. Now, less than 2 weeks later, it's being suggested that maybe my son should be in a different program with a different school all together. Am I pissed at the teachers? Oh yeah. Do I want to change? Oh yeah. He has school tomorrow. Lets see how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you could have him go to school down here in my area. The school district has been great to work with for both me and my sister. They bus them to school, and they wanted my nephew to go in the afternoon, but she told them that it would be better for her with her work schedule to do morning, so they let him go in the morning. And it has worked out great. My nephew started preschool in Nov too. For me it didn't matter, but in some ways I wish Dillon had school in the morning right now because I feel rushed sometimes if I need to do errands before he goes to school getting back in time for the bus. But if it is an option check into Canyon School District for him, as you work here in the Salt Lake Valley. And maybe we can work something out for me to watch him after school while you work.
